About this study
1. A sample of this size yields an overall margin of error of +/- 2.5% at the confidence level.
2. For some questions, the base of respondents is fewer than 1,500.
General usage of alternative care
- 42% have used some type of alternative care in the past year
- 58% have not used alternative care in the past year
Usage of specific types of alternative care in the past year
Use of alternative care and traditional health care
- 74% use alternative care along with traditional care
- 15% use alternative care as a replacement for traditional care
- 11% use alternative care along with AND as a replacement for traditional care
Change in visits to medical doctor or specialist since starting alternative care
- 62% experienced NO CHANGE in the number of visits
- 30% experienced A DECREASE in the number of visits
- 3% experienced AN INCREASE in the number of visits
- 6% don’t know
Note: Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.
Likelihood of using alternative care
Note: Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.
Importance of availability of alternative care when choosing a health plan
- 31% believe alternative care is VERY IMPORTANT in selecting a health plan
- 36% believe alternative care is SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT in selecting a health plan
- 33% believe alternative care is NOT IMPORTANT in selecting a health plan
Changes in opinion of alternative care in the past five years
- 40% say their attitude toward alternative care has become more positive
- 58% say their opinion of alternative care has remained the same
- 2% say their opinion of alternative care has become more negative
Opinions on consumer demand for alternative care
- 33% believe consumer demand will be STRONG
- 38% believe consumer demand will be MODERATE
- 15% believe consumer demand will be MILD
- 5% believe there would be NO DEMAND
- 10% don’t know
Note: Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.
1750 Howe Avenue, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA 95825
Phone: 800-638-4557 E-mail: [email protected]