The time has come to rely on local initiatives in each qualified country to establish the first Chiropractic College in underserved regions.
Your help is needed in developing the resources and personnel that will establish an International level chiropractic education program in countries we are engaged within Africa, Asia, and the Far East. Although support will come from many sources, the majority of financial support will need to come from within the respective regions. After all, they are investing in their future. International partners will also be needed to provide technical, educational programs, teaching, and chiropractic equipment.

Collaborative Solutions for Global Chiropractic Education
The global expansion of chiropractic care is fundamentally anchored in the collaboration between chiropractic leaders and organizations like the Chiropractic Diplomatic Corps (CDC).

Expanding Horizons in Global Chiropractic Education
In the realm of holistic and naturalistic healthcare, chiropractic stands as a pivotal profession, offering
unique unduplicated specialized approaches to musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders.

Nurturing Tradition and Innovation: Chiropractic Diplomatic Corps' Vision for Global Chiropractic Education
In the intricate tapestry of healthcare, the Chiropractic Diplomatic Corps (CDC) shines as a catalyst for change, especially in nations lacking formal university-based chiropractic programs.
1. Program: The CDC has developed a Transnational Chiropractic Curriculum that meets and exceeds the International standards of Chiropractic Education.
2. People: The CDC has engaged the Far East Chiropractic Recruitment agency to build a rigorous Pool of qualified Chiropractic Educators
3. Purses: Funding donation opportunities range from in-kind donations for equipment, scholarships, faculty recruitment, relocation, and training; also administration and operational expenses.
Adopt a College
Please select the country program you wish to support: