In June 2004, three pioneering spirits Sherry Durrett DC, LCP (hon), joined by Mark DeEulio, and Larry Berg set out on a trip to Russia to see what needed to be done to help expand Chiropractic there.
What these three have in common is a strong passion for the expansion of Chiropractic and David Singer Enterprises. Mr. DeEulio is a professional speaker for the Masters Club, an elite group of clients within David Singer Enterprises. Dr. Durrett is also a speaker for DSE, as well as a client in the Masters Club program. And, Mr. Berg is a member of the Masters Club as well.
These three traveled to Moscow and St. Petersburg spending time meeting with governmental officials, opinion leaders, doctors, and the one known Chiropractor practicing in Moscow, Dr. Charles Register, Life Graduate.
Mark DeEulio, Larry Berg, Sherry Durrett DC,on steps at Peterhof, outside St. Petersburg. (left)
Dr. Durrett, Dr. Register, Larry Berg, and Mark DeEulio visited Dr. Vladimir Molodetskikh, Professor at Moscow State Medical and Dental University, and Dr. Andre’ Molodetskikh MD trained in upper cervical specific work by Dr. Kale over 11 years ago.
According to Dr. Durrett, there is a very strong interest in Chiropractic and other forms of alternative healing there in Russia. This interest is expressed strongly by all MDs that were met with as well as the public that was surveyed overall.
Dr. Register, Dr. Alexiy Samorykov, MD, PhD, a chief at the Scientific Research Center for Rehabilitative Medicine of Russia, Dr. Durrett, and another MD, Dr. Samorykov’s assitant.
Much help will be needed on this project. If you have any interest in possibly practicing in Russia or in going to Russia to teach, please contact Dr. Durrett at [email protected].
In meetings, it was discussed how President Putin was concerned about the low health index, as well as the short life span of the Russian citizens. The plan to bring Chiropractic wide-spread to their country will help with these concerns.
The plans for this country would be to open Chiropractic clinics to start getting the awareness up about what Chiropractic is and helping educate the public about Chiropractic, as well as to open a school to train Chiropractors in their country.
(right)Dr. Durrett presents Dr. Vladimir Kurashvili with a copy of a book as Dr. Charles Register looks on.
“I don’t think that the citizens or the older MDs there are completely brain washed by drug advertising like they are here, or at least not yet to the extent Americans are. I think it will be a race though because I did see some signs of drug advertising. It is just nothing like it is here. If we hurry and get a foothold in and educate the people there about true health and the benefits of Chiropractic, hopefully their culture will not follow in America’s footsteps regarding viewpoints on health.” Dr. Durrett
Eugenia, translator and representative from Hubbard College of Administration, Moscow Dr. Durrett and Dr. Larisa Berdnikova, gynecologist from St. Petersburg. Dr. Berdnikova had a strong desire to help with the Chiropractic project and plans to open a natural birthing center in St. Petersburg. It will be one of the first of its kind.