VERTEBRAL SUBLUXATION: defined as a minor misalignment of a segment of the spine (vertebrae) that causes an irritation to nerves with a loss of normal body function. This is corrected by Doctors of Chiropractic using highly skilled spinal adjustments to the segment(s) involved. The following diagrams indicate the nerve connections associated with each spinal level.

Nerve Supply – Area
Upper Cervical Spine – C1 – C2
Head, face, upper neck, inner and middle ear, sympathetic nerve system, sinuses, eyes, auditory nerves and more.
Cervical Spine – C3 – C7
Neck, shoulders, thyroid, tonsils, teeth, outer ear, nose, mouth, vocal cords, and more.
Thoracic Spine – T1 – T12
Arms, hands, heart, coronary arteries, esophagus, trachea, lungs, bronchial tubes, gallbladder, liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, ureters, adrenal glands, small intestines, and more.
Lumbar Spine – L1 – L5
Large intestines, appendix, abdomen, bladder, reproductive organs, lower back, lower extremities, ankles, feet, and more.
Sacrum and Coccyx – Basebone or Tailbone
Hip bones, tail bone, buttocks, rectum, anus, and more.